Welcome to the table

A desire for faith, meaning, community and authentic relationship

A Rhythm of Gatherings

Relaxed Environment

Real Talk

Are you searching for some true meaning in your life? Kiwi Church is your local, small group Christian church based in Christchurch and the South Island of NZ, welcoming those seeking faith, quality friendships, conversation and a real sense of community.

Coming up

February Gatherings (at 75 Hansons Lane unless stated):

Sunday 2 February Manaakitanga Sunday  - 1st Sunday of the month, various locations

Sunday 9 February Thin Place, 10am, (9.30 sung worship),  Halswell hosting. 

Tuesday 11 Feb, Girls Dessert.  7.30pm – 9pm.

Sunday 16 Feb Digging Deeper, Prayer 9.30am, “Belonging in this Land” 10.30am

Sunday 23 Feb Thin Place, 10am, (9.30 sung worship), Kirwee hosting. 

Online Prayer: Tuesdays 6.45am (during school term time) and Wednesdays 12.15pm