Rhythms and Relationships

These communities are the centre of our life together as small churches, where they provide everyone with a place to belong, to know and be known, to love and be loved, and to care for each other.  

They vary in expression.

Church Communities


There are a number of small communities which gather, most often monthly (some more often) and usually on Manaakitanga Sunday (1st Sunday of the month). Currently they are in Kirwee/Dunsandel, West Melton, Prestons, East Christchurch, and Halswell.  

Age Related

Families, Rito Shack (young adults), Carers and Pre-schoolers (monthly on various days)

Beer & BBQ Church

Taking a break at the moment,

back soon

Providing a place to offer hospitality, to experience the deeply spiritual act of eating together It also provides a safe and familiar social space for those exploring the idea of God and Christian Community, and for some is simply a community to belong to. 

These gatherings exist to help nurture healthy relationships with God and each other. They include:


  • Online Prayer

    Join us each week in the Zoom room, all welcome!

    Tuesdays - 6.45am morning for 20 mins or so

    Wednesdays - 12pm connect for 12.15 - 12.45pm

  • Outdoors Church

    5th Sunday. A time to intentionally meet with God and each other outdoors.

    Many people say they feel closer to God outside, plus we want to grow in our relationship with the land.

  • Digging Deeper

    3rd Sunday. This is a time where we go deeper into God’s story, and explore ways to listen to Gods word, and comprehend it more fully.

  • Gym (Soul Friends)

    Once a term on a Tuesday evening. The Celts believed that one couldn’t grow in their faith on their own.

    A soul friend (anamchara) helps another person in their journey, and in our case we do this in community.

    The image of a gym helps us be intentional about practicing spiritual exercise together, and growing our spiritual muscle, and our inner worlds.

Thin Place

2nd & 4th Sunday of the month. 9.30am for sung worship, and 10am Thin Place

That is what happens when we gather to worship – in this space, is it a ‘space for allowing our humanity to be held gently. A space for wonder. A space to be at home. A space for lamenting. A space for hoping. A space for playing. A space for encounter.”

  • Making time

    A time where we gather in a reflective space to create – anything.

    Photography, painting, drawing, writing, clothing.

    4th Saturday of the month

  • Girls Dessert

    2nd Tuesday of the month, 7.15pm at 75 Hansons Lane.

  • Reel Life

    For those who love movies, and also acknowledging God is in all things.

    We watch a movie together and reflect on what God might be showing us or saying to us in the movie. Regularly on Friday nights.

  • Gardening Club

    For those who love gardening, especially with others. This is a community who cares for the gardens at 75 Hansons Lane.