Rhythms and Relationships
These communities are the centre of our life together as small churches, where they provide everyone with a place to belong, to know and be known, to love and be loved, and to care for each other.
They vary in expression.
Church Communities
There are a number of small communities which gather, most often monthly (some more often) and usually on Manaakitanga Sunday (1st Sunday of the month). Currently they are in Kirwee/Dunsandel, West Melton, Prestons, East Christchurch, and Halswell.
Age Related
Families, Rito Shack (young adults), Carers and Pre-schoolers (monthly on various days)
Beer & BBQ Church
Taking a break at the moment,
back soon
Providing a place to offer hospitality, to experience the deeply spiritual act of eating together It also provides a safe and familiar social space for those exploring the idea of God and Christian Community, and for some is simply a community to belong to.
These gatherings exist to help nurture healthy relationships with God and each other. They include:
Online Prayer
Join us each week in the Zoom room, all welcome!
Tuesdays - 6.45am morning for 20 mins or so
Wednesdays - 12pm connect for 12.15 - 12.45pm
Outdoors Church
5th Sunday. A time to intentionally meet with God and each other outdoors.
Many people say they feel closer to God outside, plus we want to grow in our relationship with the land.
Digging Deeper
3rd Sunday. This is a time where we go deeper into God’s story, and explore ways to listen to Gods word, and comprehend it more fully.
Gym (Soul Friends)
Once a term on a Tuesday evening. The Celts believed that one couldn’t grow in their faith on their own.
A soul friend (anamchara) helps another person in their journey, and in our case we do this in community.
The image of a gym helps us be intentional about practicing spiritual exercise together, and growing our spiritual muscle, and our inner worlds.
Thin Place
2nd & 4th Sunday of the month. 9.30am for sung worship, and 10am Thin Place
That is what happens when we gather to worship – in this space, is it a ‘space for allowing our humanity to be held gently. A space for wonder. A space to be at home. A space for lamenting. A space for hoping. A space for playing. A space for encounter.”
Making time
A time where we gather in a reflective space to create – anything.
Photography, painting, drawing, writing, clothing.
4th Saturday of the month
Girls Dessert
2nd Tuesday of the month, 7.15pm at 75 Hansons Lane.
Reel Life
For those who love movies, and also acknowledging God is in all things.
We watch a movie together and reflect on what God might be showing us or saying to us in the movie. Regularly on Friday nights.
Gardening Club
For those who love gardening, especially with others. This is a community who cares for the gardens at 75 Hansons Lane.